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Auckland House Price Drop

With all the news recently of how house prices in Auckland are increasing this latest article seems to show a different trend. The number of houses sold in Auckland fell 24% and median sale price slipped 1.2% to $840,000.00 in […]

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Labour urges state of emergency on housing

With prices for housing increasing at a alarming rate nationwide Labour has urged the government to address the emergency of housing for the homeless people of New Zealand. Many first home buyers can simply not afford the increases in house […]

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Affordable Housing

With the way things are in the current housing market Affordable Housing still remains a priority for our future generations . The cost of building and tradesman is very unlikely to go down as demand out ways supply at present […]

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Energywise Insulation

For the good of our families we must ensure Insulation and energywise solutions are used in housing and renovations. Factors to consider are the health benefits for our families, warmer dryer living in the colder wet months, sustaining high energy […]

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100 Home Developement

The government has signed an agreement with iwi and construction company to build 100 home development in New North Road Mt Albert. Special housing area status was granted earlier in the year to allow the 100 home development on the […]

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James Hardie Class Action Gets Go Ahead

James Hardie products Titanboard and Harditex have been proven to fail in many leaky home claims . The High Court has granted permission for action to be taken against the company for houses that have used this product and it […]

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Auckland No Longer NZ,s Fastest House Growth Area

Auckland is no longer New Zealand,s fastest house price growth area. Quotable value,s latest data revealed Wellington house values have risen 21% in the last year compared to Auckland,s 15%. The QV Price Index showed the average for Auckland is […]

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1347763074-Mr+&+Mrs+Jefferies+5+Palm+Cove+Arkles+Bay+020.jpg-jumboEven though there is less activity in the market place house price growth continues to increase.

Latest reports show the average Auckland house price has now topped 1 million.

Quotable Value,s House Price Index revealed the Auckland region average values stood at $1,013,632.00 in August up 15.9 %on the previous year and 6.1% over the last 3 months.

Average value of a New Zealand home rose 15% from the previous year to $612,527.00 in August still slower than the 16 % gain in Auckland,

Values are 85.5% higher than their previous peak of 2007.

Record migration ,investor demand and low interest rates have bolstered this hugely and they still keep talking about affordable housing.

The cost of building is not coming down it is going up and will continue to do so with the current and future demands the industry has ahead.

Please click onto the attached article to read more                                                                                                average-auckland-house-price-tops-1m-yahoo-new-zealand

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It was announced yesterday that Northcote in Auckland will see a massive building development taking place in the very new future.

300 Housing New Zealand properties will be replaced by 400 new properties and up to 800 other homes with a mix of affordable housing and market housing.

The development is said to be worth 750 million with the first properties to be completed by June 2017 and the entire development completed by 2021.

The government is doing this to address criticism of the plights of the homeless people and people in the low income bracket who would currently qualify for state owned housing.

This will supply an abundance of work for Auckland tradesmen and the demand for tradesmen shows no signs of slowing down for years to come which is great news for the industry .

To find out more please click onto the attached article

massive-new-housing-project-in-northcote-yahoo-new-zealand  1347762910-Mr+&+Mrs+Jefferies+5+Palm+Cove+Arkles+Bay+027.jpg-jumbo

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House values Soaring

NZ residential property values have risen at the fastest quarterly rate in 12 years with the national average house value topping $600,000.00 Its the fastest quarterly gain since December 2003. For the month of July the national average jumped 14.1 […]

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